Case Abstract 2

The Magic of

An abstract graphic showing how light can be manipulated using technology
An abstract graphic showing how light can be manipulated using technology
An abstract graphic showing how light can be manipulated using technology

Enhancing the interaction and brand experience, inside and outside of future vehicles.





Designing and prototyping light-based interactions; enabling functional and emotional experiences that unite the interior and the exterior of the vehicle.

Some of the key questions:​

  • How can a car welcome its driver ranging from a grand gesture to an unobtrusive wink?

  • How can light simultaneously integrate and enhance an iconic brand‘s design language?

  • How can a vehicle communicate relevant information from afar?

  • How to refine light quality, spectral finesse and expressiveness of interior light features to stage exceptional interior experiences.

In close collaborations with our client, we ideated the initial design concepts, built interactive prototypes in a spectrum of fidelities and supported the functional implementations in several test vehicles spanning the clients’ brand premium and luxury vehicle portfolio.



